Thursday, January 1, 2015

Warming Her Backside

Happy New Year!

My Sir is so sickly, but I arrived last night to provide him with some TLC.  He is busy right now writing a blog for work.  That has afforded me some time to peruse the interwebs for one of my new fascinations. Springerle molds. I blame Delta Airlines for my new vice.  The cookies they give out on flights are amazingly tasty -- and addictive.  I wanted to make these for Christmas cookies this year -- so started the google chase.

Turns out the recipe for those Delta cookies, Speculaas, is hard to pin down.  I found a lot of variations to the recipe.  But, what I did find in my googling were Springerle molds.

Oh. My. Heavens.  These things are works of art.  The tally in my "Shopping Cart" increased significantly today!

The one below, though, was the most delightful to date.  If I had not read the caption first, I would have had no clue what the picture was depicting.  It was really just the title though that made me laugh out loud.  Sir wanted to know what was funny so I covered the title and asked him to guess the name of this cookie mold.

Well...Sir saw a lady with her derrière backed up to large upright object so he thought it was some kind of erotic Pompeian artifact.  

First. Seriously? His first thought was, "Is that a giant cock?" Nope. 
Second. Good news.  Sir is on the mend. He is acting more like his risqué self.  
Third. Seriously his first thought was, "Is that a giant cock?"

Anyways, it was something much less ribald.  But still,  he had a few good things to say about it.

Ladies and maybe a Gent or two...I give you "Warming Her Backside"


  1. LoL, this is awesome! Love your Sir's first reaction and glad he is on the mend. So happy for you both that you are getting time together :)


  2. LOL.....i guess that is one way to warm up a bottom...not nearly as fun as........
    hugs abby

  3. :) Happy Sir is on the mend. Give him a hug from me.

    Happy New Year to you both.

