Sunday, August 14, 2016

5 Holes

Sir has mentioned a couple of times the gifts he has received recently.  I thought I'd share a picture of  one of them. 

April was our 5th Anniversary.  That seems so completely impossible.  I can think of no better way to express it so I'll just fall to cliche and say sometimes it feels like it was not that long ago and others that I've know Sir for such a long long time.

Sir lacks for nothing.  I finally got him to admit he has a wish list.  It's very short.  Only one item actually.  He would love to have a home theater room.  Since it is unlikely I could fulfill that wish, I have to depend on baser wishes of Sir. That is things he loves to do to me.

It 's hard to tell what Sir loves best. 

Is it to torture my nipples?  At times, it feels it is so.
Marking my breast?  Definitely could be.
That damned wheel-y thing?  It's probably a contender.  Sometimes I think he likes it so much because I hate it so much. Either way, I'm not that much of a masochist to feed anything close to that wish.
Binding me?  It's up there.
Spankings?  No question.  Probably tops the list.  Evidently I need spankings in the morning to "start your day off right."  Spankings at night "so you can sleep better." And spankings sometime in between.  Those in between spankings have a less than clear justification.  In fact, I need spanking so much, says Sir, that it is difficult to imagine how I can even function when he is not here to administer all those "necessary" spankings.

So no question that Sir likes giving his good girl spankings. So I figure I can't go wrong with a spanking gift.  The options seemed endless.  Some I ruled out easily.  Those with imprints like "SLUT" -- definitely not me.  Some look like the imprint of a boot.  Definitely not Sir.  Something out there for everyone.  Then I saw this one.  It honestly looked daunting. Pretty darn hefty.  But, the 5 holes???? Perfect for a 5th Anniversary.  Decision made.

True to its looks. It is daunting, hefty and perfect has 5 holes. It certainly packs a punch.  And despite the agreement I thought we reached about harder spankings, or more pain in general, but a shorter duration, I still get 100 swats per cheek -- minimum.  M.I.N.I.M.U.M.  I don't believe that jives with the deal I thought we struck. Needless to say, Sir enjoys the gift. Other than his hand and the crop, it's pretty much been his tool of choice for my bottom.



  1. It's beautiful - a true work of art. Maybe it should be in a fine display case and away from your bottom! LOL

  2. It agree, looks beautiful, but ouch!


    1. It is ouch! It packs more of a punch than I thought it would. I think we both love it though.

  3. We have a similar small paddle with holes, ours looks not quite so heavy...but it does pack a punch. The thought was lovely....and it looks lovely...but YIKES....your bottom will be quite rosy...
    hugs abby

    1. Sir has happily noted how pink my bottom is when spanking me with this.

  4. Sir loves putting your gifts to good use.


  5. I agree with is a work of art and would absolutely lovely in a sealed display case. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat
