Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Are You Gonna Be My Girl?

I heard a song on the radio this morning that, at first, I thought would be good for Music Monday. Then, as I thought about one particular phrase in the song, I realized I wanted to post my reaction to it. The song (and phrase) is Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet.

It made me think of my reaction when Sir calls me his good girl or says things like, "You are mine." I always respond, "Yes sir." These things are usually said during our sessions and I've thought that because I'm in a stupor that it just makes it easier to respond affirmatively to any proclamation Sir wants to make.

But, in the stone cold soberness of a morning drive to work, I hear the unasked question of my Sir. And in that sobriety my response is still, "Yes. I will be your girl." I am well on my way to, in truth, being his good girl.

I feel a bowing in my soul when I think of him. He has taken me. He has made me his. I am his good girl.

Yes. Sir. I will be your girl.


  1. "bowing in my soul".

    Very nicely stated!!! I like that!

    Great blog, poured!

  2. Thanks, Dannah. Words from the soul are alawys so wonderful, aren't they? And thanks for the follow.
